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Monday, May 19, 2008

Job Interview Tips-final chapter


  1. Do not forget to listen

    Listening is one of the most underused interview skills. Most candidates are so nervous about answering interview questions correctly that they forget to listen. Follow these tips:

    • Listen through eye contact.
    • Listen with nonverbal expressions.
    • Listen until the speaker is finished.
    • Do not interrupt.

  2. Ask the power questions

    In the earlier you can ask these questions:

    • What are you most hoping to find in the person you hire?
    • What would be my first priorities on the job?

  3. it is OK to be nervous

    Not only is it OK to be nervous about an interview, but it is essential for you to accept how you feel. Telling yourself you should feel differently than you do is unrealistic and just makes you feel bad about yourself. What's the worst that can happen at an interview? For many, it would be not getting an offer. Did you ever think that maybe the job wasn't right for you? Try to look at the process as a learning experience.

  4. Put up with rejection?

    If you are rejected from the company, you may feel hurt, angry or fed up. Instead of being stuck in feeling rejected, take back the power by staying proactive. If you really wanted to work for that particular company, sit down and write a letter. Remind them of all the positive points you could bring to the organization. Let them know you are still interested in working for the company if something should change or open up.

  5. Face the feedback

    If you ask for feedback from an interviewer, be prepared to hear things that could be upsetting. You should listen carefully, and take notes to refer to and react to. Do not argue or defend yourself. At last do not forget to thank the interviewer. Then, take the advice and think about changing some techniques to improve on your next interview.

  6. Follow the interviewer

    During the interview, your interviewer is giving you information that can guide you on how to behave during the meeting. Observe your interviewer's style. Listen very carefully, and let him/her know that you have been listening by asking good questions and making good comments. Answer questions by providing the information asked for.

  7. Emotional preparation

    Preparing emotionally for the interview is also important. The right mood helps you perform at your best. Try out following points for preparing emotionally:

    • Get moving that means go for a walk, run, exercise, meditate, do yoga, stretch, dance.
    • Sing your favorite song while driving to the interview.
    • Repeat an inspirational phrase aloud that's meaningful for you

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