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Monday, June 23, 2008


Internet is one of the most common sources of buying and selling of products and services, this practice is called e-commerce. Online buying and selling of products becomes rampant in the past and present year where in security have also improved. Today, internet servers as a place of direct retail shopping with multimedia prospects, the ability to interact and provide custom information and ordering and 24-hour availability for business revenue. Most of the time, consumers buy products through the internet and then online transaction is being process. Usually there are three types of e-commerce transactions; business to consumer, consumer to consumer and business to business. Various payment systems were accessible to cater the diverse dealings of merchants, from the process of thousands of transactions daily to the a few orders a day. With the strong security system technology, e-commerce is also the safest way to complete transactions. E-commerce also carries out the electronic forms of communication which are the emerging use of telephone calls over the Internet, fax, and e–mail. Thousands of companies learned that web is an unstoppable provider of products that help attain people who seek for informations.

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