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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Indian Civil Service

The Indian Civil Service, popularly known by its acronym ICS, originated as the elite civil service of the Indian Government under British colonial rule in India, and continues in the contemporary Civil Services of India, though these are now organised differently.
Colonial Civil Service
Under the East India Company administrators of their controlled territories were engaged. These became the HEICS "Honourable East India Company Civil Servants"
There were two exclusive groups of civil servants during this formative stage of British rule in India. The higher employees who entered into "covenants" with the Company came to be known as "covenanted" servants, whereas those not signing such agreements came to be known as "uncovenanted" . The latter group generally filled the lower positions. This distinction between the covenanted and the uncovenanted virtually came to an end with the constitution of the Imperial Civil Service of India based on the recommendations of the Public Service Commission, 1886–87, though the phrase "covenanted" continued to be used of anyone in a salaried position with a long term contract — including "boxwallah" peddlers.
The name Imperial Civil Service was changed to Civil Service of India. However, the term Indian Civil Service (ICS) persisted. The acronym "ICS" continued to be used to denote the covenanted civil servants. The Provincial Civil Service was also constituted on the basis of the recommendations of the Aitchison Commission, and this Provincial Service consisted of two cadres, Provincial Civil Service and Subordinate Civil Service. Further developments took place as a result of the application of the scheme of cadre organization to the administrative departments. Thus, for example, the departments of Forest and Public Works had both the 'imperial, and 'provincial' branches. The basic pattern of the cadre system in the civil service was thus established following the recommendations of the Aitchison Commission. Gurusaday Dutt was the first Indian to stand first in the ICS examination, in 1905.
By 1934, the system of administration in India came gradually to consist of seven All India Services and five Central Departments, all under the control of the secretary of state, and three Central Departments under joint Provincial and Imperial control. The ICS and the Indian Police (Service) were in the 'transferred field', that is, the authority for the control of these services and for making appointments were transferred from the Secretary of State to the provincial governments. It seems relevant to mention that the All India and class I central services were designated as Central Superior Services as early as 1924 in the Lee Commission's report.
After the partition of India, the parts of the service was renamed Civil Service of Pakistan (CSP) in Pakistan while the Indian section retained the name Indian Civil Service.
Contemporary Indian Civil Service
In spite of relatively contemporary careers like management and IT holding sway over the country's youth, the Civil Services have still not lost the vast popularity enjoyed by them through the years, from the time of the British Raj.
The IAS or Indian Administrative Service replaced the ICS and the pre-independence structure of all-India services, provincial or state services and central or Union government services was retained.
The Constitution provides for more Civil Services branches to be set up by giving the power to the Rajya Sabha to resolve by a two-thirds majority to establish new all-India services or central services. The Indian Forest Service and the Indian Foreign Service are the two services set up under this constitutional provision.
Running the administration of a vast and diverse country like India requires efficient management of its natural, economic and human resources. That, precisely, is the responsibility of the civil services. The country is managed through a number of Central Government agencies in accordance with the policy directions given by the ministries.
The construction of the Civil Services follows a certain pattern. The All India Services, Central Services and State Services constitute the Civil Services.Today a number of coaching centers are providing civil service coaching,which concentrates mostly in Delhi and Trivandrum. Examinations for the state services are conducted by the individual states of India.
All India Services
  • Indian Administrative Service (IAS)
  • Indian Police Service (IPS)
  • Indian Forest Service (IFS)
Central Civil Services - Group "A"
  • Indian Revenue Service (IRS) - Income Tax
  • Indian Revenue Service (IRS) - Customs & Central Excise
  • Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)
  • Indian Audits & Accounts Service (IA&AS)
  • Indian Defence Accounts Service (IDAS)
  • Indian Defence Estate Service (IDES)
  • Indian Economic Service(IES)
  • Indian Ordnance Factory Services (IOFS)
  • Indian Post & Telecommunication Accounts and Finance Service (IP&TAFS)
  • Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS)
  • Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS)
  • Indian Information Service (IIS)
  • Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS)
  • Railways Protection Force (RPF)
Central Civil Services - Group "B"
  • Central Secretariat Service
  • Defence Secretariat Service
  • Union Territories Administrative Service
  • Union Territorries Police Service
State Services
  • State Civil/Administrativ e Service
  • State Police Service
  • State Forest Service
  • Public Works Department

Friday, December 19, 2008

Frameworks Distribution

Frameworks Distribution

op Providers
PHP 30.3%
ASP.NET 23.9%
Shockwave Flash 22.8%
Adobe Dreamweaver 7.4%
J2EE 7.2%
Other 5.2%
Frontpage Extensions 5.1%
ASP.NET Ajax 2.9%
DAV 2.8%
Perl 2.2%

Blog and CMS Distribution

Blogs Distribution

Top Providers
WordPress 1.8%
MovableType 0.2%
Blogger 0%
TypePad 0%
Vox 0%
MySpace 0%
Other 0%

CMS Distribution

Top Providers
vBulletin 0.9%
Drupal 0.7%
Expression Engine 0.3%
MediaWiki 0.2%
Joomla! 0.2%
DotNetNuke 0.1%
Other 0.1%
Paperthin Common Spot 0.1%
Community Server 0%
Plone 0%

Advertising Distribution
Top Providers
Other 16%
Google Adsense 13.9%
DoubleClick.Net 12.8%
Atlas 4.4%
Revenue Science 2.6%
Open AdStream 2.4% 2.3%
Tacoda 2.2%
Openads/OpenX 2.1%
Vibrant Advertising 1.5%
Analytics Distribution
Top Providers
Google Analytics 49.7%
Quantcast Tracking 13.5%
Omniture SiteCatalyst 12.8%
Other 8.7%
Visual Sciences 2.8%
Web Trends 1.8%
SSL Google Analytics 1.8%
Coremetrics 1.7%
StatCounter 1.7%
Nielsen//NetRatings 1.5%

Top Web Servers Provider

Server Distribution

Apache 57.1%
IIS 6.0 23.5%
*nix 17.2%
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7%
CentOS 3.9%
Other 2.7%
nginx 2.3%
Fedora 1.8%
Debian 1.7%
lighttpd 1.5%

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Ancient World

Before Writing

Billions of Years -- a scientific theory

Dinosaurs, Birds, and Survival -- 245 to 65 million years ago

Genes, Ageing and Evolution -- a theory natural selection and the lifespan of creatures

Biology, the Brain and History -- history versus biological determinism

Hunters, Gatherers, Farmers and Gods -- to 4001 BCE

Origins of War -- tribal raiding to empire

The Middle East and Africa

The Sumerians -- religious continuity, writing, conquest, a concept of sin and paradise

Africa and Egypt to 1750 BCE -- from south of the Sahara to civilization on the Nile

Sargon and the Vanishing Sumerians -- Mesopotamia, sin and the Amorites

Myths of Creation and a Great Flood -- literature surviving the Sumerians

Hammurabi : Babylon -- Hammurabi's conquests, dynasty and its fall to 1550

The Middle East to 1050 BCE -- Hyksos, Egyptians, Hittites, Hurrians and Aramaeans

From Abraham to David -- stories of Abraham, Moses and King David

Solomon, Prophets and Punishment to 640 BCE -- Israel to the "lost tribes" and the Assyrian Empire

Zoroastrians and Judaism to 400 BCE -- a Jewish state within the Persian Empire

Civilization in India

Ancient India and Hinduism to 1000 BCE -- lost civilization, invasion, conquest and caste

The Upanishads and India to 500 BCE -- new cities and attitudes

Jains and Buddhists to 450 BCE -- rebellion against Hinduism

Hindu Epic Literature -- the Ramayana and Mahabharata

The Maurya Empire and a Dark Age -- 320 BCE to 185 CE

The Gupta Empire and Hinduism -- to 550 CE

The Far East

The Shang and Zhou Dynasties -- to 1000 BCE on the North China plain

Confucius, Taoists and Change, to 260 BCE -- argument and war

The Qin and Han Dynasties -- 350 BCE to 306 CE

China and Korea, 300 to 500 CE -- Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, disintegration and rule by murder

The Ancient Japanese -- 300 BCE to 500 CE

Greeks, Alexander, Hellenism and Jews

Europe before 1000 BCE -- agriculture, the Mycenae Greeks, Minoans and a dark age

The Greeks to 480 BCE -- Homer, class rule and the birth of philosophy

Ancient Greeks, Democracy and Decline -- to the 300s BCE

Ideas from Anaxagoras to Aristotle -- 480 to 322 BCE

Alexander the Great -- 356 to 323 BCE

Alexander's Empire Disintegrates -- to 246 BCE

Hellenistic Societies to 222 BCE -- trade, diffusions, prosperity and misery

Cynics, Epicureans, Stoics and Skeptics -- 400 to 200 BCE

Jews, the Septuagint and Tradition -- to 200 BCE

Rome, Jews and Christians

The Rise of Rome -- 753 to 221 BCE

Roman Empire, Republic and Politics by Violence -- to 79 BCE

Judea and Civil War -- 150 to 63 BCE

From Republic to Emperor Augustus -- 73 BCE to 14 CE

Jews and Christians in Rome's Golden Age --- the Essenes, Jesus, and Christianity organizes

Family Rule from Tiberius to Nero -- 14 to 65 CE

Rome, from Golden Age to Political Chaos -- from prosperity to decay under the Severans

Rome's Decline and Christianity's Ascent -- to 306 CE

Rome's Christian Emperors -- to 410 CE

Augustine Influences Christianity -- to 420 CE

Remnants of the Roman Empire to 500 CE -- Rome disintegrates

Persia under the Sassanids

Ardashir and the Persians, to 241 CE -- Persian culture and the Sassanid Empire begins

Manichaeism, a Universalist Faith -- 210 to 276 CE, the Zoroastrian priesthood against religious innovation

The Sassanids to 500 CE -- Shapur the Great, war, weakness, communist revolution, and defeat

Africa, Oceania and America

The Americas to 1000 BCE -- and benefits prior to agriculture

Southeast Asia and Oceania to 1000 BCE -- migrations

Africa, Iron and Empire to 500 CE -- aggressions, migrations, iron and empire

The Americas, Southeast Asia and Oceania to 500 CE -- migrations, order, disorder and demise

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