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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Six effective diet rules

Almost all of us have at some point in our lives tried to diet to lose weight. We’ve all attempted to knock off one food group or item from our plates. I am guilty of banishing sugar from my food for months, only to come back and devour it with a vengeance! Now I’m wiser thanks to advise given by fitness instructors and nutritionists and here’s sharing with you what I’ve learnt about diets. Believe me these tips work!

1. Healthy substitutes: This is for all those who need an occasional nibble at work. Stay away from biscuits and other fattening foodstuff. Keep a jar of assorted nuts handy in your office drawer. Carrot and cucumber sticks are also a very healthy option. If these are ‘boring’ go for good old ‘khakra’, but make sure it’s from a health food store, most of the commercially available ‘khakras’ contain high levels of oil. Baked snacks like baked ‘sev’, sesame or peanut ‘laddoos’ made with jaggery, multigrain rusks or toasted brown bread are healthier options. But make sure you don’t overindulge in these. These are only meant to control the insane urge to order a hi-calorie smoothie or chocolate doughnut during the 4 pm craving. So learn to ration the portions.
2. Ordering in? If you are really tempted to order in a ‘biryani’, that is if wild horses can’t help in keeping the urge down, then go ahead, order. But right at the beginning give away half of the ‘biryani’. This will ensure that you eat less!
3.Go slow at night: Most of the working folk tend to attack food at night, the only time they have the leisure of scanning the fridge and hunting for hidden temptations. Precisely for such times do refrigerators come with a lock and key. Once dinner’s over, lock the fridge and brush your teeth. If you have a supportive partner, you could hand over the keys to him for safekeeping with a clause that no amount of cajoling or bribing should bend him! This will ensure that the chocolate pastry remains in the fridge and your brushing of teeth will remind you that you are done for the day and you cannot brush again!
4. Don’t reward yourself with food: Do you think because you’ve spent an hour at the gym you’ve earned a slice of pizza or cheesecake? Get realistic. If your goal is serious weight loss, restrain yourself from such indulgences, or it will be an exercise in futility, whatever you sweat out will all come back with the pizza and dessert.
5. Give in to your craving: Mark two days in a week when you will give in to your craving. But remember to stick to this schedule. And once again don’t go overboard. A small slice, a small piece or a half a glass, that’s it. Remember the rest is poison!
6. Healthy cuppa: If you cannot do without your coffee and tea fix, then it would be in your interests to go sugar free. Or else substitute the sugar with a healthy option like palm jaggery. Think of white sugar as your ace enemy and you will strike a lifelong friendship with your weighing scale!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Tips To Search Google Like An Expert

I think Google is the best search engine I ever had. if you also think so then probably you use Google many times a day. if you are using Google by just simply typing few words and changing the query until you find the required results then this article will give you a better way to search on Google.

1. if you want to search specially from a web site and if that site is not support a built in search feature then still you can use google to search that site. simply use site: nokia. Now by putting this query you can get the results about nokia from web site

2. if you want to calculate some thing just type in the Google search bar and get the results. for example if you enter 675*856 in it then you get the proper answer. so next time when you need to do a quick calculation, use Google instead of calculator :)

3.If you need simply a definition of the word use the command "define:". for example define: psychology

4. If you are ooking to find results of a specific type, you can use the command "filetype:". For example, you might want to find only PDF files related to marketing.

"marketing" filetype:pdf

5. If you want to search for content about marketing, but you want to exclude any results that contain the term management. Simply use the "-" sign in front of the word you want to exclude.

For Example Search: marketing -management

6. If you found an page of your required query and you want to see related pages then just click on the "Similar pages" next to the search result. Google will show thirty sites on the same topic. It's a excellent method to discover interesting sites.

7. The order of your keywords play a vital role in search, so you will get different results for "search mobiles" and "mobile search". So type only the important keywords, in a logical and reasonable order.

8. If you want to find the answer of any question. just place the whole phrase in quotes and use "*" instead of answer.

For Example "* is the shortest person in the world "

9. when you do a search, Google by default will include all the terms mentioned in the search. If want to match one or more terms, then you can use the OR operator but keep in mind that the OR should be capitalized).

For Example marketing OR Finance

10. If you want to take information about a phone number then just use the Google phone book feature. use the command "phone book:"

For example phonebook: enter the number here

11. if you want to take information of an area code just type the area code Google will tell you where it from.

12. if you want to find results between any of a range of numbers then you just give the two numbers and put ".." between them. mostly useful for years or prices.

For Example disasters 1999..2008

13. If you want to restrict your search to specific domain.

for example Photoshop tutorial

using this Google will only search on the “edu” domain. This works on country domain also.

14. If you want to know about a current position of a company's share in the stock market. just enter the valid stock in the Google search and you will get the financial position with charts and graphs.

15. Google allow only 32 words in the search query and Google will ignore the subsequent words. you should had to restrict your query in 32 words.

Hope these tips are useful for your future Google search. if you have any tip related to Google search feel free to post here. waiting for your comments